7 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Lives Up to the Hype

Plus, four cautions to remember before jumping full speed on the ACV train.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one of those buzzy wellness ingredients that people time and time again swear by. It’s not surprising why, though.

It almost like the holy grail of home remedies for instance, a shot of it is said to help boost energy, control blood sugar, and promote weight loss. Topically, ACV may help improve your hair’s shine as well as the texture and tone of your skin by clearing up unwanted breakouts.

Mixed with other good-for-you ingredients like lemon juice or olive oil, ACV can be a potent booster for your daily routine. Here are 11 easy ways to boost your health with ACV.

healthy recipes with apple cider vinegar

1. Trouble with digesting roughage? Use ACV in your salad dressing

There are a few reasons ACV can help out with digestion issues, according to nutritionist Rania Batayneh, MPH, bestselling author of “The One One One Diet.”

The first is thanks to ACV’s antibacterial properties, which can lend help to common gut issues that can be caused by bacteria, like diarrhea. As a fermented food, ACV also contains probiotics that help regulate overall healthy digestion.

Try it
Mix ACV with apple cider and Dijon mustard in a pan over a simmer.
Add olive oil to mixture and toss it together with some of your favorite vegetables.
“Pairing an ACV-based dressing with vegetables does double duty for your digestion, as both the fiber in the veggies and the probiotics in the ACV can boost digestive health,” Batayneh points out.

2. Looking to curb your appetite? Make a daily ACV tonic

Sometimes the hardest part of recalibrating eating habits is restriction. According to Batayneh, drinking ACV can “be incredibly useful when trying to eat less and lose weight.” She refers to a study that found that ACV may suppress areas of the brain that control appetite, resulting in fewer calories eaten over time.

Try it, based on science
Round one: Dilute 15 milliliters (mL) of ACV in 500 mL of water and drink it every day for 12 weeks.
Round two: Dilute 30 mL of ACV in 500 mL of water and drink it every day for 12 weeks.
ACV may also help with fat storage, thanks to a special component: acetic acid. In rat studies, this acid has been shown to help reduce fat storage.

After such positive results from animal studies, a 2009 study looked at 122 people with obesity and found that daily consumption of vinegar reduces obesity and aids weight loss.

3. Need natural energy? Sip an ACV-mixed tea in the AM

Skipping coffee? For Batayneh, a tea with ACV is a great alternative to other calorie-heavy, caffeinated drinks like lattes and sodas.

Besides fat storage, acetic acid also boosted how muscles in mice refuel on energy resources. It’s suggested to work similarly for humans.

Amp your morning drink
Batayneh suggests combining 2 tablespoons of ACV, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, and a dash of cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water. “Sipping on this may prevent you from reaching for heavier drinks or snacks in the early morning when you need an energy boost,” she says.
Lemon juice has many nutritional benefits, but specific research that links lemons to weight loss is sparse. However, drinking about four ounces of lemonade per day is suggested to help with kidney stone prevention. As for cayenne pepper and cinnamon, both have ingredients that provide therapeutic benefits to help boost your metabolism and reduce inflammation.

While this drink sounds very close to the Master Cleanse diet, we definitely don’t recommended drinking this as a substitute meal or in attempt to detox. It’s best to drink alongside a meal or as a morning tonic.

4. Sore throat? Mix ACV and honey into a soothing concoction

With antibacterial and antiviral properties, ACV can be incredibly beneficial.

With all that said, there isn’t much scientific evidence backing the claim that honey and ACV tea will completely get rid of a sore throat. The theory is that the ACV works to fight the bacteria while the honey can help suppress coughs by coating and soothing the throat.

3 ways to try it

In a large mug of warm water, mix 1 tablespoon of ACV with 2 tablespoons of honey for a throat tonic.
For something tastier, try ginger tea with 1 to 2 teaspoons of ACV, honey, and coconut oil.
Gargle 1 to 2 teaspoons of ACV with warm salt water for 20 to 30 seconds two to three times a day. Don’t swallow.
If your sore throat continues for days, you should see a doctor. They can prescribe antibiotics if it’s a bacterial infection.

5. Managing insulin levels? Drink ACV with water and a meal or snack

For people with diabetes, incorporating ACV may be a helpful step in managing the condition. “It’s thought that… acetic acid may slow down the conversion of complex carbohydrates into sugar in the bloodstream,” Batayneh explains. “This provides more time for sugar to be removed from the bloodstream, allowing the body to keep blood sugar levels constant and limit spikes.”

There’s not too much research to completely back this up, however one 2007 study with 11 participants found that people with type 2 diabetes who took 2 tablespoons of ACV with a bedtime cheese snack woke up with much lower blood sugar levels.

6. Worried about cholesterol? Try this ACV egg salad recipe

“Apples and vinegar work together in the form of ACV and naturally lend themselves to lowering triglyceride and cholesterol level,” explains Batayneh. A 2012 study found that ACV may be able to reduce bad cholesterol along with triglyceride in people with high cholesterol levels.

“The main reason being is that the acetic acid in apple-cider vinegar is what makes it effective in lowering low-density-level (LDL) cholesterol.”

Although evidence supporting these claims are mostly anecdotal, combining ACV with other heart-healthy options can only help! Getting your cholesterol and triglyceride under control is one natural way to lower risk of heart disease.

Sub ACV for mayo in avocado egg salad

This avocado egg salad remix is a great opportunity to get a serving of heart-healthy nutrition. Instead of mayonnaise as the binding ingredient, use avocados for the creaminess and ACV for the tartness. The texture of the avocado mixed with ACV will help get that creamy consistency that makes egg salad so delicious!
Just this year, a study found that a moderate consumption of eggs can actually lower risk for cardiovascular disease. Plus, avocados are also known to contain healthy fats that can help reduce risk for heart disease.

7. Preventive help? Combine ACV with other anticancer foods

There’s a theory that ACV can help make your blood alkaline, which can keep cancer cells from growing. However, it’s not a full shield against cancer since your body is typically able to maintain a pretty balanced pH.

It’s important not to treat ACV as your only course of treatment. Instead, rely on it for its other benefits, such as energy. The few studies showing that different types of vinegar can kill cancer cells are mostly animal studies.

Try it with other cancer-preventing foods

Broccoli. Try this broccoli salad with a cider dressing. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which has shown to reduce the size and number of breast cancer cells as well as kill off prostate cancer in mice.
Olive oil. Keep this ACV vinaigrette in the fridge. Olive oil also has been associated with cancer prevention. One big 2011 review showed that those who consumed a higher amount of olive oil had a lower risk for developing digestive or breast cancers compared to those who consumed lower levels.
Nuts. Snack on sea salt and ACV almonds. Nuts can be associated with a decreased risk for both cancer-related death and colorectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers.
