Quit Smoking Now: We’ve Got Some Tips

We’re all for improving the odds of living a long and healthy life!  You can promote healthy living through exercise, diet and making better lifestyle choices.

Giving up the smokes is one of the best choices you could make to improve your odds.  Smoking leads to diseases and disabilities like cancer, heart disease, stroke and lung disease.  There’s great news though- no matter how old you are when you quit, you still improve chances for a healthier life almost immediately.

Quitting is not always easy, and some days will be harder than others.  But did you know that tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death?  Here are a few tips to help you prepare mentally:

Write out the reasons why you want to quit.  Keep this list handy and look at it often.
Set an official quit date.

Have a conversation with yourself about how you will cope with the challenges of quitting.
Talk to friends and family, let them know your goal.  They will be your support system.
Cut out all things cigarettes and smokes!  Clear out your house, car, garage and anywhere else you may carry them.

Now that you’re mentally prepared- know that you’re not alone.  Most health insurance, including Medicare covers, up to 8 face-to-face visits with a qualified doctor (during a 12-month period).  You can get these counseling sessions whether or not you’ve been diagnosed with an illness caused by tobacco use.  You pay nothing for these counseling sessions, so take advantage!

Are you ready to take the leap?  Contact the National Network of Tobacco Cessation Quitline at 1-800-784-8669.  (TTY users call 1-800-332-8615)

Another great online resource is the Center for Disease Control’s page on smoking and tobacco use.  You’ll find the Surgeon General’s Report, a fact sheet, tips from former smokers and more.

We’re rooting for ya!