Acne Scars | Top Best Home Remedies For Acne Scars

Having soft, smooth, supple and beautiful healthy clean skin is like a dream for such a people who are suffering from the acne scars problem on their face. Acne occurs most of the time when you are having hormonal changes in your body.

Acne generates the pores in your skin which can grow bacteria which affects your skin. It is important to get rid of acne but the condition becomes worse when the acne generates the very ugly looking scars on the skin which is difficult to remove these scars from the skin.

The skin which having ugly looking acne scars looks very bad and your impression in front of the people does not a good one.

If you want acne scars free skin just use these natural remedies which help a lot in removing the acne scars.

1. Use of Apple Cider Vinegar For Acne Scars

Apple Cider Vinegar is very helpful for removing the dead skin cells. It can make your skin bright and prevents your uneven skin tone.


Get water and unfiltered raw apple cider vinegar. Combine both of these to make the mixture. After making the mixture dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply to your skin where acne scars are detected. Leave it on the skin for about 8 to 10 minutes then wash it out with water. Use twice a day for more and better results.

2. Use of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a very useful remedy. You can solve your acne scars problem by using aloe vera.


Get an aloe vera leaf and extracts the gel from it by cutting it from the middle. Once you acquire the substance in the shape of gel from the aloe vera leaf just apply on your skin where the acne scars found. Massage it smoothly and allow it on a skin for 20 minutes. Then wash it out with water.

3. Use of Lemon For Acne Scars

Lemon has the ability of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory which is good for preventing the bacteria. It increases the growth of new skin cells and also promotes the reduction of dead skin cells. It serves you as a real natural bleach for the reduction of acne scars on your skin.


Extracts the juice from 3 or 4 lemons and start to apply it on your skin with the help of your fingers or with a cotton ball as you like. Leave it to your skin for 7 to 10 minutes and wash it out with water. Use it once or twice a day.

Home Remedies For Acne Scars

4. Use Of Honey

Honey is really a useful remedy to get rid of skin problems. If you want to moisturize your skin you can use honey for it. You can rescue your skin from the acne by using the honey.


Get some honey and apply it on the scars then cover it with the bandage or with other things as you like. Leave it for a night. Next day wash it out with water. Use it daily before the sleep.

5. Use Of Turmeric For Acne Scars

Turmeric is very effective to remove the acne scars on your skin. It has the ingredients in it which are very useful for acne and acne scars on your face skin.


Get the turmeric powder and a lemon. Mix both of these and make a paste of it. Then apply it on your skin. After 15 to 20 minutes wash it out with little warm water. Use it for two or three times a day.