Most Common Health Problems that Need Attention

Healthcare facilities have improved to a great extent in India today; however, the number of ailments people suffer from has also increased drastically. This is due to the modern lifestyle that involves high level of stress, little rest, adulteration, pollution, improper work-life balance, and much more.

most common health problems that need attention

Although the life these days is extremely busy, staying alert about any signs or symptoms of diseases is important. A way of being prepared beforehand is by investing in a health insurance policy.

Given below are a few common health problems that are on the rise these days.

Heart diseases

This is one of the major diseases that a lot of people suffer from today. According to a study, more than 60% of the country’s population suffers from heart diseases. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major reasons for this. One way of combating this is to stay physically fit, eat healthily, and quit smoking and alcohol.


Cancer is becoming common among people today. While men are more prone to skin, lung, prostrate, and lung cancer, women are mostly victims of breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and early screenings are a few ways to prevent or diagnose the disease at an early stage.

Swine flu

A recent study has revealed that India witnessed around 1,100 cases of swine flu this year, with around 22,186 cases reported. Its symptoms are chills, headache, cough, and fatigue. If you experience any of these, consult a doctor as soon as possible, as swine flu is fatal.


Osteoporosis is a deadly joint disease that may not be fatal but may cause immense discomfort and pain. Most often, women more than men suffer from it. While sometimes osteoporosis can affect people from any age group, its main victims are women who are in their menopausal phase.


Known as the diabetes capital of the world, India has around 50 million people suffering from type 2 diabetes. This is a slow killer and can remain unnoticed until things go out of hand. Getting yourself regularly checked is an effective way of keeping a tab on this disease.


Known as the silent killer, depression affects a large number of people each year. Its symptoms can be felt more than seen, which is why it may get a little difficult to diagnose. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and being happy is one way of ensuring you stay away from depression.

Today, due to the increasing number of diseases, availing of not only a health insurance policy but also a critical illness policy is important.