Everyone wants a six pack, which is great. But for your information, there are actually four key muscle groups you need to tone up to get a tense tummy. According to Wikipedia, the rectus abdominis muscle, also known as "abdominal muscles" or "abdominals," is a paired muscle that extends vertically on either side of the anterior wall of the human abdomen, as well as that of some other mammals.

"To get the best results, both aesthetic and functional, you should aim for all the muscles of your abdomen," explains Joan Pagano, NYC coach, author of Strength Training Exercises for Women.

What are they? Let's know all your abdominal muscles.


On the side of your abs, you have your oblique external abdominals and your internal oblique abdominals. His external obliques are at the top and are those muscles that he feels on his side, just below the arm. The internal obliques are deeper muscles that lie beneath the external obliques, acting as stabilizers to help you maintain your posture.

The transversus abdominis are its deepest muscles, which run horizontally around its midsection. Pagano says that toning these creates a "natural strip" to keep your belly tucked in and stabilize your pelvis. Then, of course, there is the most superficial muscle group in the abdomen: the rectus abdominus (also known as "six-pack" abs). This set extends from the sternum to the pelvis, which helps to flex the spine while walking.

A movement does not tone all your muscles. You will need at least a few weapons in your arsenal to harden everything. Here, the Carbon38 co-founder, Caroline Gogolak, shows the best abs movements to target all areas, even the ones you do not see.

1. Roll Back

Pagano says: Sit up straight, with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your feet flat on the floor. Place the torso close to the thighs, stretching the arms forward at shoulder level with the palms facing down. Exhale, drawing the navel toward the spine as it recedes into the coccyx, curving the spine in a "C" shape. Inhale and realign the spine to straighten it. (Do you want more? Continue with the best exercises for lower abs).

2. Twisting Roll Back

You can do this movement discreetly, at any time of the day. As if you were buckling a pair of tight jeans, "pick up abs" by pulling the navel toward the spine and then up, lifting the pelvic floor. This movement involves that deep abdominal muscle to flatten the belly; It is the muscle that is just below the zipper.

3. Bicycle Crunches

For this, you need to lie down on the floor and execute this exercise aiming internal and external oblique, Trans-versus abdominal muscles.

4. Kneeling Crunch

In this workout, you need to get down on the kneeling position by doing so you are focusing on rectus abdominal muscles, as well as internal and external oblique.

5. Roll Back

In this position, you will be mainly focussing on the rectus abdominal muscle.

6. Dead Bug

While doing this particular exercise, you need to lie down on your back with hands raised and knees bent. By doing so, you are primarily concentrating on the Trans-versus abdominal, muscles, and internal and external oblique.

7. Twisting Roll Back

For twisting roll back, you need to sit down on the ground and start doing this exercise. While carrying out this exercise, you will be focusing mainly on the rectus abdominal muscles, and internal and external oblique.

8. Toe Dip

Toe dip core exercise will be helpful in compressing transverses abdominal muscles.

9. Sit-Ups with a Medicine Ball

These sit-ups will compress the transverses abdominal muscles, rectus abdominal muscles, and internal and external oblique. Apart from this, one thing that you need additional is a medicine ball for carrying out this workout.

Hence, these are the best core exercise that can help you tightening your abdominal muscles in a much better way than you ever expected. To see the desired results, start these workouts today.