One Fruit that Kills Diabetes and Stops Breast Cancer Cells from Growing and Spreading

Dr. Frank Shallenberger says that when it comes to fighting cancer, he is always going for natural substances that inhibit cancer cell growth. He conducted a number of studies, and resveratrol, green tea, and Seanol are just some of his findings.

Not that long ago, the doctor found a fruit that has proven to be effective in killing pancreatic cancer cells. The subjected fruit is called “bitter melon” and it is largely used in Okinawa, Japan.

Dilute its juice to 5% in water, and bitter lemon juice will destroy pancreatic cancer cell lines in an incredible way. Researchers have explained that bitter melon juice actually damaged two cancer cell lines by 90%, and killed the remaining two lines at a rate of 98%.

Yes, you will all agree, these studies proved that bitter melon kills cancer cells on a dish. The question is: Will it work in animals? Will it cure people? Apparently yes. The researchers at the University of Colorado tested bitter melon’s effect on mice and the results showed an incredible 64% reduction in the pancreatic tumor size. What is more, there were literally no side-effects.

They used a dose that was equal to six grams of powder for an average human. Studies have also shown that bitter melon can also help diabetics. Need an explanation? Bitter melon can ameliorate any metabolic problems due to its beneficial effect on the glucose metabolism.

Of course, if you are diagnosed with cancer or diabetes, make sure you consult your doctor about including the bitter melon treatment in your regular therapy, so you can have the highest rate of success in the fight against the disease.
Fruit that Kills Diabetes