Relieve Bloating And Constipation By Drinking Just a Few Glasses of This Drink

Each of us at least once felt uncomfortable due to digestion, experiencing constipation, diarrhea or bloating. Millions of people suffer from constipation, of which three-quarters are women. Unfortunately, this problem is usually ignored because of two reasons: people are ashamed of it and they think it cannot be resolved.

Constipation is manifested by reducing the number of stools, stool’s hardness and difficult bowel movements. The causes are usually linked to changed common andeveryday’slifestyle (travel, temporarily moving, overflowing meals), taking certain medications (e.g. sedatives or medications that suppress acid) or diseases such as diabetes, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis, etc. Pregnancy can also be one of the causes.

Constipation is Not Harmless

Constipation can cause many other very nasty diseases such as anal fissures (anal canal lining damage), rectal ulcer and, very often, hemorrhoids. This creates a closed circuit for which the condition is constantly worsening. Constipation occurs occasionally or turns into a chronic problem which persists for more than six weeks.

This health condition is often accompanied by fatigue, because the organism is sufficiently releasing toxins from the intestinal contents. When the passage of intestinal contents is slowed down, intestinal mucosa absorbs water longer than usual, thus stool becomes hard.

It is desirable to have one or two stools a day of medium consistency -- neither too hard nor too soft. It would be optimal, but with today’s lifestyle this is impossible to achieve- says Dr. Skurla.

For all those who have chronic digestion problems and suffer from long-term constipation and bloating, we advise consuming the following natural beverage:

Malahov’s recipe against constipation

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 bunch of spinach leaves
  • 7 -- 10 oz / 2-3 dl of sour milk

Method of preparation:

  • Make sure the spinach you use is young and fresh.
  • Separate the stalks from the leaves and wash the leaves.
  • Put the spinach leaves in a blender.
  • Add the sour milk in the blender as well.
  • Mix well.

Drink one glass of this amazing beverage every morning and every evening. This drink will stimulate your digestive system and will allow it to function properly. Try this drink even today! It is easily prepared and it is very effective.

home made drink for Bloating And Constipation