9 Home Remedies for Sunburn Relief, most are in your home already

Looking for home remedies for sunburn relief?  Well, I have 9 of them for you.  Most items you have in your pantry already.

The sun is out and I am a happy girl.  Well, that is most of the time.  When I get sunburn, I am not so happy. 

When the weather cools down, I become very much like a bear and begin to hibernate.  As a matter of fact, I get so little sun, that I am often deficient in Vitamin D. 


As soon as the temperature gets above 60, you will find me digging in the dirt. We have 5 flower beds and 3 vegetables beds.   It is a part time job, but in my mind, it is worth it.  I love sitting in the backyard and looking at the fruits of my labor.

I can be pretty sure that I will get sunburn more than once during the spring and summer.  So, I do my best to prevent sunburn. When I do burn, I  also home remedies for natural sunburn relief.  Many of the item I talk about below are in your home already.  If not you can easily find them on Amazon, where I am an affiliate.

Since our skin is the largest organ of the body, I am super careful what I put on it.  I stay far away from lotions and creams that are filled with chemicals that I can’t pronounce.  So, what do I do when I burn?  

Here are my best sunburn relief ideas:

  1. Vinegar Sunburn relief is my #1. Apple Cider vinegar works wonders.  This is the remedy I grew up with.  Using a cotton ball lightly apply the apple cider vinegar to the burned area.  You can also use white vinegar.  I use Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider
  2. Soak in the bathtub filled with cooler water and 1 – 2 cups of baking soda. Don’t use soap, pat to dry.
  3. Soak in a bathtub filled with tepid water and 1 cup of oatmeal.  Rinse and pat dry.  Don’t use soap, it might dry your skin.
  4. So many of us have heard of Aloe Vera.  It really does work.  Find a quality Aloe Vera gel and lightly coat your skin.  You can place the Aloe Vera in the refrigerator for a further cooling affect.
  5. When the heat is too much to handle, wrap some ice cubes in a wash cloth and lightly lay it on the burned area.  Apply several times a day as needed.
  6. Coconut oil has Vitamin E in it which is healing.  Apply a thin layer on your skin to keep it soft and keep your skin from drying out.
  7. Apply a thin layer of milk on your skin.  Let it sit at room temperature for a little while before you apply it.  The milk will create a layer of protein that will help protect your skin.
  8. Cucumbers can be applied to the skin.  They have natural analgesic and antioxidant properties.
  9. Essential oils like lavender and chamomile are another one of my favorite home remedies for sunburn relief.  Mix a few drops with some water and place in a spray bottle and spritz your skin when needed.  Never apply essential oils directly to your skin.  (I use Aura Cacia Essential Oils, the company has been around for years and I trust them) [via]