Are you annoyed of jiggling upper arms?

If so, well, you're not alone!

Tons of women around the world are struggling with some degree of flabbiness in their upper arms - who end up wearing long sleeves and cardigans to hide the flabby arms.


Everyone wants to have jiggle-free and toned arms.

But in reality - we tend to possess saggy, flaccid, and stubborn arm fat.

We understand how frustrating it can be when it comes to compromising with your cute spaghetti top or sleeveless dress.

There must be many times when you feel that these tops are otherwise perfect, except that they don’t have sleeves to hide your wobbling arms.

We totally get you.

Toned arms are a source of confidence as it plays the crucial role when it comes to your overall outlook.

This does not mean that other parts of your body are not of real value.

Each and every part of your body is equally important but toned arms just act as a cherry on the top.
Arms are one of the most sensitive places of a woman’s body.

Although it’s just a small part, it can be a major sore spot for most women.

You must have seen few individuals who have lean body structure but with unusual flabby arms that destroys their whole look. While few women are genetically predisposed to store more fat in their arms.

There are many reasons for fat deposition in your arms and there are many effective arm fat exercises that will help you get rid of this fat fast.

This article covers those in complete details.


How to lose Arm Fat
Are you thinking twice while choosing the cute floral-designed sleeveless tops just because it will expose your flabby arms?

Well, there is absolutely no need to stress yourself of those sleek sexy dresses. Given, you can sacrifice an hour a day to practice the arm fat exercises mentioned below.

These are the most effective arm fat exercises to get rid of those flabby arm fat.

These exercises will help you get sleek, sculpted and toned arms as desired by every woman.

And thankfully, with the exercises, you need not go to the gym JUST to shape up your arms.

But before figuring out a way to lose arm fat, it’s important to know what leads to the accumulation of arm fat.

Let's know the causes of arm fat.


Causes of Arm Fat

Flabby arms develop due to various factors which include sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical exercise, unhealthy food habits, hormonal imbalance and ageing.

Also, your genes can be a reason for the fat build-up in your arms.

Let’s dive deep into each problem as it will be easier to avoid the issue if we know its root cause.

Ageing can be one of the prime reason for arm fat.

As you grow older, your skin loses its elasticity resulting in a saggy appearance.

Further, your metabolic rate also decreases with ageing causing your body to lose its ability to burn calories.

As a result, your body burns only fewer calories throughout the day leading to fat accumulation.

If you are not following a physically active lifestyle, this excess fat could get stored in various parts of your body including arms. This gradual deposition of the fat in the arms leads to flabby arms.

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to prevent it as ageing is a natural process.


Lack of physical activity is another main reason for saggy arms.

If there is no physical activity or if you are refraining from doing any sort of exercises, then the excess body fat will accumulate in various parts of the body including arms.

Hence, following an effective workout routine is very important for burning arm fat.

Exercising not only eliminates your arm fat but also tones your arms by sculpting them effectively.

So workout regularly and make your arms firm and sexy.


If you are exercising regularly and your dietary habit is irregular, then your fat burning process is not going to happen forever.

The basic step of losing fat in any part of your body is to consume fewer calories than you burn in a regular manner. Keep in mind, it is better to eat a lesser amount of healthy food rather than eating unhygienic junk foods.

Importantly, consume protein-rich foods as it has higher rates of fat oxidation that help in converting the fat stored into usable energy.

Besides, protein intake increases the rate of metabolism which further enhances the rate of calorie burning.

Also, add foods that are rich in calcium and protein like fish, eggs, beans, meats, fruits, veggies and dairy products.

A regular intake of protein-rich food facilitates fat burning and builds strong muscles.

Remember, if you don’t restrict your calories, fat accumulation is inevitable, which will only worsen the arm fat.

So, add ideal protein to your diet to ward off underarm fat.


Another possible cause of arm fat is the changes in hormone (testosterone) levels.

This hormonal change can have a major impact on your body’s ability to burn fat effectively.

The hormonal change decreases the rate of metabolism which means fewer calories burnt per day. A slower metabolism combined with fewer calories burned leads to the deposition of fat.

Low testosterone levels result in lack of sex drive, loss of energy and inhibit your muscle growth thus facilitating flabbiness.

There will be a drop in the levels of this hormone with ageing as well making it harder for you to lose fatty arms.

As hormonal imbalance is also a natural process, you can’t do much about it either. But you can control testosterone levels naturally by consuming protein-rich foods


Lastly, flabby arms can develop with your genetics too.

If any of your family members, let say your mom has arm fat, then you too have the chances of inheriting the trait.

In case your mom has it and you too see the signs of it, then you should start working out right away to shrink arm fat.


Arm Fat Exercise for Women
Although experts claim that spot-reduction of fat from the body parts is very difficult, we paid close attention to exercises that burn arm fat fast effectively.

The result - we came up with a list of 14 Arm Fat Exercises that will help you to get rid of sagging arms quickly.

These are also the arm fat exercises that can be practiced at home and with no weights at all.

Therefore, if you are not comfortable to step into the gym just to burn the arm fat, then these are the workouts you must opt for.

Just jump right away to get rid of your saggy arms.


Arm circles are one of the simplest and most effective arm fat exercises that can be done with or without weights.

The exercise tones your arms, underarms and improves shoulder flexibility as well.

You can do this exercise either by standing or sitting.


Stand or sit comfortably and extend both your arms sidewards to its maximum.
Ensure your arms are straight and parallel to the ground.
Now, slowly rotate your arms clockwise in small circular motion without flexing your elbows. Complete 20 rotations slowly.
You may now reverse the direction and complete another 20 rotations in the counter-clockwise direction.
NOTE: For best results, do 3 sets of 10 repetitions per set on each side with 30-60 seconds break between the sets. You can also perform the exercise by holding a dumbbell or a 500 ml bottle in each hand.


Arm Flapping is another easiest and also the fastest way to lose arm fat.

The exercise is a fun-to-do one as you will enjoy doing it. It tones your arms, shoulders and hands.

Furthermore, the exercise is good for your mind as well, as it releases stress and tension.

All you have to do is flap your arms just like birds flap their wings.

Did the exercise remind you of your primary school days?

Yes, it is the same exercise that you performed during your school days with full zeal.

But still, let's see how to do Arm Flapping correctly.


Sit on a chair and extend your arms straight out to the sides.
Slightly bend your elbows and flap your arms to feel that you are flying.
Do this arm flapping for 3 counts, followed by a hand clap over the head.
Repeat the steps 20 times.


Swinging your arms is also a very simple arm fat exercise that work on your upper body, arms, shoulders and biceps.

In addition, Arm swinging acts as the best substitute for running.


Stand erect with your head facing slightly upwards and feet shoulder-wide apart.
Keep your arms down at your sides.
Keeping your body still, swing your arms forward and backward (as you swing your arms while running).
To burn excess fat, swing your arms faster continuously for 2 minutes.


Arm Stretching is one of the simplest yet very effective arm fat exercises that can help reduce arm fat, if practised regularly.

Arm Stretching


Raise your arms above your head with fingers interlaced.
Now, use your right hand to pull your left hand slowly towards your right so that your left elbow falls behind your head.
Hold for few seconds (Ideally for 5 seconds).
Release the tension and take your arms back to the centre slowly without releasing your fingers.
Repeat the same steps using your left hand on the left side.
Do 2 sets of 20 repetitions each with 30-60 seconds break between the sets for effective results.

Chair Dips are undoubtedly the best arm fat exercises that will give you a pair of sexy toned arms by working on your triceps.

Hence, it is called Tricep Dips in bodybuilding.

Chair dips tone the back muscles as well in addition to toning your arms.

And you don’t have to go to the gym to do this workout as it can be done easily at home. To perform Chair Dips, you need a stationary bench, chair, box or bed which is at least 2 feet higher from the ground.

Remember that the object you choose must be stable as it will decide the ease of performing the exercise. Therefore, anything that will stay flat on the ground is the best choice.


At first, place the chair or bench in a stable position.
Get into the starting position by sitting on the edge of the chair and place your arms behind your back at the edge of the seat. Make sure that the distance between your arms is shoulder-width apart.
Keep your upper body straight and stretch your legs in front of you.
Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body off the chair and towards the ground. Ensure that your elbows are at 90-degrees.
Straighten your arms and raise your body back up to the starting position using only your triceps (don’t sit on the chair). Repeat it.
Doing 3 sets of 20 repetitions each with 30-60 seconds rest between the sets every day will help you lose arm fat effectively.


Jumping Jacks is a full-body toning exercise that activates various muscle groups in your body.

This exercise not only helps in losing your arm fat but also strengthens your legs and core.


Stand with your feet together and arms at your sides. (Starting position)
Jump and split your legs apart and raise your arms above your head at the same time.
Jump again to return to the starting position.
Perform the exercise for 10-15 repetitions.


Plank is an excellent workout for toning flabby arms.

It helps in building strong arms by strengthening the core muscles.

Plank is a great exercise to enhance the strength of your abdomen, back, hips, shoulders and chest.



Extend your forearms flat on the floor.
Place your kneecaps on the floor as well.
Now, balance your weight on your forearms making sure your shoulders are in line with your elbows.
Hold the position for 10-15 seconds during the initial stages of practice.


If you can balance your weight in the perfect form in a Forearm Plank for about one minute, you can amplify your plank position to this variation.

From the Forearm Plank posture, lift your knees up in line with with your upper body.
Tuck your toes under.
Now, balance your weight on your forearms and toes.
Hold the position for 10-15 seconds during the initial stages of practice.


Take a push-up position keeping your body parallel to the ground.
Make sure your wrists are directly under your shoulders and your back is in a straight line.
Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds or more to work your arms.
Straight Arm Plank
NOTE: During the initial stages of practicing the Straight-Arm Plank, you can keep your knees grounded and shift to the 'Full Straight-Arm Plank' after you mastered this initial position.


Push-up is a time-tested exercise that works great for several muscles in the arms, chest and back.

It is an effective muscle building exercise that targets your triceps and tones your upper arms by burning enormous fat in that area.

Initially, you may find it difficult but it gets easier as you practice it.

No wonder, Push-ups along with Pull-ups are considered as universal warm-up exercises by bodybuilders.


Lie down on your stomach on the yoga mat.
Now, raise your body till your elbows are straight.


Palms are flat on the floor.
Hands are shoulder-width apart.
The feet are placed together with your toes pointed down.
The entire body is parallel to the ground.
Hands and toes are supporting your weight.
Now, inhale and slowly bend your elbows and lower your body towards the ground. Make sure your stomach is not touching the ground.
Now, exhale and push your body up back to the starting position.
Practice 3 sets of 10 repetitions daily with 30-60 seconds rest in between each set for the best results.


Scissors are basically a cardio exercise that work great for arms as well.

The exercise burns the unwanted fat in your arms, thereby, making them toned and firm.

This arm fat exercise resembles a pair of scissors, that is being closed and opened continuously and hence the name scissors.

Scissors are easy to do and require no weights.


Stand with your legs apart.
Extend your arms towards your sides and keep them in a straight-line to your shoulders. This will be your starting position.
Now, bring your arms towards the front of your body and cross them over in a way that they overlap similar to the blades of a pair of scissors.
Return to the starting position.
Repeat the movement and carry on for about 20 minutes.
Practice the exercise every day for the best results.


Skipping is one of the great arm fat exercises that gives you sleek and toned arms.

Additionally, the exercise is good for your overall body, especially for your heart.


Hold a jump rope with an end in each hand, palms facing forward.
Begin skipping, by jumping up just enough to allow the rope to pass beneath your feet.
Once you picked up the pace, slowly extend your arms out from your sides as far as possible as you skip.
Continue skipping for 60 seconds.
The goal of skipping for burning arm fat is to make big circles with your arms so you feel as if you're rowing a boat backwards.


Like push-ups, Wall Push-ups also tone the muscles of the arms by eliminating the accumulated fat in the arms.


Stand about 1-2 feet away in front of a wall.
Raise your arms and place your palms on the wall, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your fingertips must point upwards.
Keep your legs still but knees not locked and stand on your toes.
Now, taking a deep breath, slowly bend your elbows and bring your chest and face close to the wall but not touching it.
Hold the position for a second or two.
As you exhale push the wall until your elbows are slightly bent and your chest and chin are away from the wall.
Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each daily with 30-60 seconds break in between the set for the best results.

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