The facts and myths about eating Brinjal during pregnancy!

Brinjal is one of the most versatile vegetable and is often regarded as “The King Of Vegetables”. Also, called an eggplant, brinjal is one of the highest consumed vegetables in the country. They come in many varieties and have a distinct flavor which no vegetable can even come close to!

Brinjals are rich in iron and offers a great nutritional value. They are also known to be great immunity boosters and helps regulate cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Brinjals are also known to be beneficial to the baby, due to the high amounts of Vitamin C, E, and Niacin. However, pregnant women stay away from this vegetable, as it is believed to cause miscarriages and early labor.

In this article, we shall delve more and find out if eating brinjal during pregnancy is as dangerous as people claim it to be.

Is It Safe To Eat Brinjal During Pregnancy?

Brinjals or eggplants are not only safe for consumption during pregnancy,it is excellent for the overall development of the baby since it contains decent amounts of nutrients like vitamin a and vitamin E. it also contains folic acid that is imperative for the development of red blood cells in the baby.

Is Brinjal Harmful During Pregnancy?

Majority of the Indians believe in ayurvedic practices that strongly discourage the use of eggplant during pregnancy. It is believed that brinjals contain large amounts of phytohormones that trigger menstruation, therefore there are chances of occurrence of miscarriages. However minimal amounts of brinjals can be allowed.

Reasons To Avoid Brinjal During Pregnancy:

Here is why people believe that eggplant is not good for pregnant:

  • Egg plants come under the category of hot or cold foods that is ideally avoided during pregnancy.
  • It is known to cause acidity in pregnant women causing grave discomfort to them hence one should take care and avoid brinjals.
  • Brinjals are usually diuretic in nature so very often they induce the menstrual flow that could lead to a miscarriage.
  • Brinjal during early pregnancy is known to cause uterine contractions that could lead to complications like premature delivery or abortions therefore pregnant women avoid brinjals.
  • See More: Bitter Gourd In Pregnancy

facts and myths about eating brinjal during pregnancy

Brinjal Benefits During Pregnancy:

Here are the top reason why brinjal is good for pregnancy:

  • It is excellent for curing congestion when roasted and eaten as it gets rid of the mucus formation.
  • It is very effective for treating chronic illness like cancer, diabetes and hypertension.
  • Eating brinjal in pregnancy can cure flatulence when taken in the form of soup. However, people suffering from acidity can avoid it.
  • Though ayurveda practices restrict the use of eggplants in a diet for pregnant women ,other cultures highlight the above mentioned benefits of brinjal and include it in a diet for pregnant women.

Nutritional Composition Of Brinjals:

Brinjals or eggplants are known to possess approximately 6 gms of iron, 5 grams of dietary fiber and 6.4 grams of Vitamin A. It also contains good amounts of water and potassium content. Logically these are very important for a pregnant lady so consuming eggplants during pregnancy should not be a problem.

How Is Brinjal Good For The Fetus:

Unborn baby or fetus requires nutrition in the form of folic acid for their development and brinjals contain a good portion of iron. They help in the formation of a healthy foetus and complete the term of pregnancy preventing any kind of birth defect.

Precautions While Using Brinjals During Pregnancy:

If at all one is consuming eggplants, it is very important to take certain precautions so as to avoid the ill effects.

  • The most important care while consuming eggplants is to ensure that it is fresh. Stale aubergines can be poisonous for pregnant women.
  • Another caution one should exercise is to wash the egg plants thoroughly so as to avoid the contamination.
  • It has been seen that when the brinjals are not washed thoroughly, they breed toxoplasmosis that can trigger premature delivery or other complications in pregnancy.

How To Include Brinjal In Pregnancy Diet?

Depending on the cuisine, you can cook a number of dishes with aubergine or eggplant. Brinjal can be eaten in the following forms:

  • Curries and Gravies
  • Mashed Aubergine
  • Roasted Brinjal
  • Salads
  • Pickles
  • Soups

We hope we cleared the air for you regarding the safety of brinjals during pregnancy. This nutritious vegetable is quite safe to be consumed during this phase and in fact can help in bringing down the dependency on artificial supplements.

Brinjals are extremely delicious and can be combined with other elements like tomatoes, lentils and even meat to increase the caloric value of the dish. However, you need to go easy on the quantity, as brinjals can cause overheat in the body, leading to health issues. So, ladies, too much of anything can be bad! Eat in moderate quantities and enjoy tasty, delicious brinjals!


1. Can Brinjal Cause Any Allergies In Pregnant Women?

Even if you have no previous history of allergic reactions to brinjal, you may experience certain discomfort with brinjal during pregnancy. Common reactions are itching, rashes, boils, hives nausea and stomach upset.

2. Which Is The Best Brinjal Recipe For Pregnant Ladies?

One of the best and most popular brinjal recipe for pregnant ladies is the “Baingan ka Bhartha”. It is simple, delicious and is low-fat. This is done by roasting whole brinjals on the stove and skinning them. The flesh is then mashed and cooked with onions, tomatoes, spices and green chilies. You can garnish it with coriander and enjoy it with roti or rice.

3. Is To Safe To Eat Brinjal While Breast Feeding?

Brinjal has no negative impact on lactating mothers unless they are allergic to it. One can safely consume it and enjoy the nutritional benefits it offers. The high amounts of calcium and vitamins can improve the quality of milk supply and help in your baby’s growth.