7 Yellow Tea Benefits

Yellow Chinese diet tea can, in fact, cleanse your body of harmful toxins, improve your mental alertness, cure diabetes, and lower the risks of brain stroke. Let’s take a look at the ways in which we can benefit from drinking yellow tea regularly.

Yellow Tea Benefits

1. Help with weight loss

Like green tea, yellow tea contains catechins and polyphenols that can boost your body’s metabolism and fat burning abilities.

2. Reduce inflammation

The polyphenols in yellow tea have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation, particularly inflammation associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

3. Prevent diabetes

Studies find that yellow tea may be able to prevent type-1 diabetes. Patients of type-1 diabetes can’t produce insulin naturally. Insulin converts blood sugar into energy that the human body can use. Without sufficient insulin, glucose accumulates in the blood and leads to diabetes. Yellow tea can promote glucose metabolism and help regulate blood sugar. Therefore, it is beneficial for diabetics.

7 yellow tea benefits

4. Filled With Antioxidants

With yellow tea’s unique process and components, yellow tea can provide you antioxidants like no other. These powerful oxidants are incredibly potent in fighting off free radicals present in our body due to stress, the food we eat, our surrounding and much more.

5. Delay the Signs of Aging

Research has shown that yellow tea has antioxidant and nutrients that promote a healthy and young looking skin. It helps moisturize the skin and promote blood circulation on the skin's epidermis. Yellow tea has also been observed to help the production of collagen on our skin.

6. Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Yellow tea has been proven to effectively reduce LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol while increasing HDL ‘good’ cholesterol in the body.

7. Increases Appetite

Long working hours and unnecessary stress take a lot of things from our life, including our appetite. We all go through that phase where we don’t feel like eating at all, that too for hours and hours. Well, you can regain your appetite with the help of yellow tea.

8. Good For Liver

This miraculous beverage can help in the treatment of hepatitis and other liver-related disorders. Many studies on animals have suggested that yellow tea’s polyphenols, and specifically one catechin, can have restrictive and inhibitory effects on hepatitis (liver inflammation). This makes yellow tea an effective home remedy for treating the symptoms of hepatitis.

Yellow tea is not a cure-all, but should be seen as a delicious brew which may well be working some serious magic on the body.