We’re all guilty of living life in the fast lane so carelessly that it takes a toll on our bodies. Be it skipping meals, no getting enough sleep, missing out on those workouts or just not getting a timely checkup, we often take the movement of our limbs for granted.
We’re constantly picking up things we drop, no matter how heavy, without any form to protect our knees or back. We constantly bang around our hands or wrists and just walk it off. We say we don’t have time and we know our bodies. After all, we’ll be fine, right?
Well the thing is, this can cause you more than just immediate pain. Think arthritis, think sore muscles and think weakened cartilage. But as always, we’ve got your back!

Here are some very simple ways to cure that pain and keep it at bay.
We’re constantly picking up things we drop, no matter how heavy, without any form to protect our knees or back. We constantly bang around our hands or wrists and just walk it off. We say we don’t have time and we know our bodies. After all, we’ll be fine, right?
Well the thing is, this can cause you more than just immediate pain. Think arthritis, think sore muscles and think weakened cartilage. But as always, we’ve got your back!

Here are some very simple ways to cure that pain and keep it at bay.
1. Ginger
- Ginger has been known to cure aching and inflamed joints instantly!
- Used by soldiers and knights in old times as well as certain similarly aimed ointments in today’s modern world, ginger does much more than serve as a garnish.
- There are two ways it can help your achy joints.
- Firstly, rubbing ginger oil over the joints has been known to cause pain relief.
- Sore muscles, stiff muscles and even squeaky joints are no match for this wonder oil.
- The second way it can help is if you drink ginger tea.
- Sure, it’ll give you this warm and gentle burning sensation as it goes down, but it has been known to reduce inflammation and promote circulation, which translates to pain relief.
- Headed for the kitchen already? Make sure to have it lukewarm!
2. Turmeric Powder
- This finely grained yellow powder gets a bad rap for tasting weird, but trust us you want to have this in your SOS pain relief kit for a rainy day.
- Ginger can be used in two main ways and both of them have been known to have healing abilities similar to that of ibuprofen!
- Talk about nature’s wonders! The first way you can have it is in the form of juice.
- Containing an active component called curcumin, turmeric active in juice form has been known to have anti-inflammatory as well antioxidant effects.
- Definitely something you need when in pain.
- The second way it can serve you is by being added, as one tablespoon, into a glass of warm milk.
- You’re going to have to drink it daily before bed, and this method is more favored generally since the warm and creamy milk overpowers the strong turmeric taste.
- Just know you’re going to wake up to a considerably less painful body. Good night!
3. Olive Oil
- You can tell just by looking at the consistency of olive oil that it can lubricate your joints nicely.
- Turns out, that’s actually true. Scientifically, it has even been proven to cure arthritis.
- Though it’s a bit tricky when it comes to olive oil, because even the ripeness of the olives at the time they were pressed is a factor which can change the potency of the oil, you can be assured that pain relief is guaranteed.
- Working just like Advil or other off-the-counter pain relief medicines, olive oil can be administered in two ways.
- Firstly, and as it is more commonly used, you can use it to massage those aching joints.
- Work it in nicely and let your skin absorb it, and its nutrients.
- Let those antioxidants inside. The second way you can use olive oil to your advantage is by sipping two tablespoons of it daily.
- It doesn’t taste bad at all. Actually, it literally just tastes like liquid olives! Be sure to manage your diet with this though.
- Since it’s a little heavy on calories, be sure to give up on some other unnecessary form of calories elsewhere in your diet.
- Less chocolate, more pain relief?
4. Epsom Salt
- A wise old man once said that Epsom salt can cure anything. While that was to be taken with a pinch of salt (pun intended), it wasn’t necessarily the case.
- We’re sure, well, it could have saved him the trouble of leaving this world, wouldn’t it?
- Though that’s just a sham, the truth is, good old Epsom salts work best for aching joints, guaranteed.
- Made of magnesium sulfate, Epsom salts can cure joint pain for sure, but their forte is taking care of stiff muscles.
- Just do as they did back in the day. Add a few scoops of this powder into a tub of warm water, and soak your stiff muscles.
- The chemical composition works in your favor to draw out all the excess fluids hampering with your muscle movement and causing that stiffness.
- For best results, soak for 15 minutes, 3 times a week.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
- If you’ve been adventurous enough to go through the kitchen cabinets and mistake this for apple juice, we understand.
- If you’ve poured yourself some and are ready to gulp it, you’re on your own!
- Apple cider vinegar is an incredibly acidic concoction that can make your eyes tear up even if your crime was just taking a good whiff.
- Drinking some is a whole new story because you literally feel the acidity wash down into your stomach.
- While some people can stomach it like a true champ (pun intended), it has been observed that others add a tablespoon in a glass of water and also include some honey in that juice they’re making, so as to lighten the pungent kick it would deliver by itself.
- On the other hand, others simply rub the vinegar into their aching joints and muscles.
- The common aim of both kinds of people is the same though – sure shot pain relief. It definitely works, give it a try!
6. Castor Oil
- Just as any other form of oil in this list, castor oil can be administered by rubbing into your aching joints or sore muscles.
- Good as an antioxidant and even better as anti-inflammatory agent, castor oil can help lubricate your joints and ease sore muscles very efficiently.
- Perhaps what’s best about it is, it that is readily available everywhere and is usually packaged in smaller quantities too, so you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to do with it once your pain is gone, which should be some time very soon!
7. Garlic
- We know, we know. Ginger, turmeric, olive oil and now garlic?
- Sounds like a baste for a nice meaty dinner.
- The thing is though, they all just work.
- Garlic is packed with two super important elements, namely sulfur and selenium.
- The sulfur, as we discussed previously, helps in pain relief and is an anti-inflammatory agent.
- The selenium goes even beyond just this and helps with an anti-rheumatic effect.
- Both of these properties are majorly important when it comes to pain relief.
- Who knows, maybe that chicken in the oven has all this on it so it doesn’t hurt while being cooked?
8. Mustard Oil
- Another important lubricant for those joints is mustard oil.
- You can use it for a deep tissue massage to get rid of all kinds of muscle stiffness, or you can use it as a home-made ointment.
- To prepare the ointment, heat garlic cloves (don’t be surprised) in mustard oil, in a pan.
- This should all simmer down into a paste-like substance. You can either massage this into your joints or dip a cloth in it and wrap it around your aching joint or sore muscle.
- This is guaranteed to work!
- These are some handy and helpful tips for aching joints and sore muscles and are good for a daily quick fix.
- If, however, your symptoms and pains persist, you should consider seeking medical advice as soon as possible.
- Muscle and joint pain can aggravate into something much serious, such as arthritis, if not treated timely.
- So just to help out, here are some additional pointers on when you should consider doing so.
9. Walking
- There are three basic points that can hurt while walking or running. Persistent pain in either of these means you should see the doctor.
- The first point is situated right at the hip, which is the first joint to move when you take a step. The second is the knee.
- There are many reasons for knee pain, which can include obesity and be drying out of synovial fluid, which is the body’s natural lubricant.
- If it doesn’t go even after the treatments we suggest, it could be more serious. The third point is the ankle.
- Though probably because of a twist or sprain, an ankle can also hurt because of arthritis or any other underlying complexity.
- Be sure to have it checked!
10. General Foot Pain
- Though a bit ironic because it’s not so general, foot pain in men and women can be because of different reasons.
- The main one being the design and style of shoe they wear on a day-to-day.
- While men usually wear work boots that are hard on the heels and don’t have a very flexible sole, women tend to wear heels that can place added pressure on the toe region.
- Make sure you know the cause of your pain and translate it to your doctor!