15 Healthy Juices For Weight Loss

Thinking of including some juice in your diet for weight loss? If your answer is yes, that’s great! Go ahead!

If you have not yet decided, then I will say that you should try and highly consider including the healthy juices in your diet. You won’t regret that. We all know that fruits and vegetables play an important role in weight loss. So, healthy juices made for weight loss from vegetables and fruits will do a great job too. 

It is quite possible that many of you don’t share a good bond with vegetables and fruits, thus try out juices made from these fruits and vegetables as they taste very much different. There is a good chance that you will like them. That is what I think.

Substituting some of your meals with these healthy juices that are listed here can help you lose inches. These juices hydrate your body along with filling up your stomach. Being not so high in calories, they don’t add up to a significant amount to the total calorie intake of the body. So that’s a total win-win situation.

Also, these weight loss juices have a soothing effect on the digestive system.

The fruits and vegetables which are high in fibers promote effective weight loss, as these fibers keep you full for longer, preventing unnecessary eating. These are rich in antioxidants, healthy carbs, vitamins, and minerals which will boost up the immune system and energy levels of your body.

All that said, don’t think of losing weight by drinking only juice the entire day for a long time. Though they are nutritious, the amount of the nutrition is certainly low when compared to the daily requirement of the body.

Just relying on the juice will highly deprive your body of the essential nutrients such as proteins, fats, several vitamins, and minerals, thus affecting the proper functioning of the body. Include other healthy foods in your diet, do proper workouts and get proper sleep for weight loss.

Including these healthy juices in your diet with other healthy foods can prove useful for you. Have a look at them.

1.Carrot Juice

Let’s start with some simple ones like carrot juice. Carrots are low in calories and full of fibers which will keep you full for longer. A glass of carrot juice in the morning will keep you full until lunch, thus eliminating your in between unnecessary cravings. Also, carrots are a natural diuretic helping in digestion.


2-3 carrots
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
Some mint leaves(optional)
A pinch of black salt

Chop the carrots roughly and put them into the blender along with mint leaves.
Pour the juice in a glass.
Add black salt and lemon. Mix it well.

2.Beetroot juice

Beetroot is a great source of both soluble and insoluble fibers and other nutrients such as vitamin C and folates. They may also help in lowering the blood pressure.


1 beetroot
Juice of 1 lemon
A handful of coriander leaves
Salt, as per your taste

Chop the beetroot to some pieces and toss them into the blender along with the coriander leaves.
Empty the juice in a glass.
Add lemon and salt.

3.Gooseberry juice

Gooseberry is proven to boost up the metabolism which then helps in burning fat quickly. Gooseberries are abundant in vitamin C and do not contain fat just like many other fruits and vegetables.


3-4 Gooseberries
A glass of water (8 ounces)
1 teaspoon honey
A handful of mint leaves

Cut the gooseberries into pieces so as to remove the seeds which lay in its center.
Toss the pieces into the grinder along with mint leaves and water. Give it a spin.
Empty the juice in a glass. Add honey and mix it well as honey takes a bit time to dissolve properly.

4.Watermelon juice

Watermelon itself is full of water. It is around 90% water and contains very less number of calories, so it definitely makes an amazing healthy juice for weight loss.

Watermelon is a zero calorie food which doesn’t add any calorie to your body.


A glass of watermelon
A pinch of black pepper
A pinch of black salt

Empty the watermelon cubes into the blender and spin.
Fill up a glass with the juice.
Add a pinch of black salt and black pepper. Stir well.

5.Orange juice

Orange is a delicious citrous fruit. Well, many drinks are already available of this fruit, but the added sugars destroy the benefits of the fruit and just add up calories to the body. Orange too is considered a zero calorie food.


2 oranges
1 teaspoon honey
A pinch of black salt

Blend the oranges in the blender.
Add 1 teaspoon honey and a pinch of black salt. Mix it well so that the honey can dissolve properly.

6.Aloe vera juice

Personally, I don’t like the taste of aloe vera, but it is one of the healthiest plants to eat. Aloe vera is a good remedy for constipation apart from having other digestive benefits. You must be knowing that proper digestion is necessary for weight loss. It is even useful for treating skin conditions such as acne and inflammation.


1 aloe vera leaf
Juice of ½ lemon
A pinch of black pepper
A pinch of salt

Peel the leaf and chop it. Beware of its sharp edges. Give the pieces spin in the blender.
Empty the juice in a glass.
Add lemon juice, black pepper, and salt. Mix the constituents well.

7.The Pineapple Twist

Pineapple and orange are the main ingredients of this drink. Orange is optional, cutting that leaves you with pineapple juice. But I don’t think you should do that. Both orange and pineapple are catabolic or negative calorie fruits.

Pineapple contains bromelain which helps in the metabolism of protein and burning away the excess belly fat. The pineapple twist has a spicy tangy flavor.


5-6 slices of pineapple
Around ½ orange
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
A pinch of salt

Blend the slices of pineapple and orange.
Empty the juice in a glass.
Add cayenne pepper and salt. Stir well.

8.Green Parade

This drink is rich in minerals, vitamins and dietary fibers which will keep you full and hydrated.


½ green apple
7-8 green grapes
1 gooseberry
A pinch of black pepper
A pinch of black salt


Spin green apple, green grapes, and gooseberry in the blender.
Add black pepper and black salt. You can even use normal salt.
MIx it well.

9.Green Veggie Treat

As the name says, this drink is full of vegetables, all of which are green. All of these vegetables are abundant in fibers. Cabbage which is an ingredient of this drink can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Even celery is effective in lowering blood pressure and improving the digestion.


½ cucumber(cut into slices)
1 celery stalk
½ cup chopped cabbage
A handful of coriander leaves
1 teaspoon lemon juice
A pinch of cayenne pepper
Salt as per your taste


Toss the slices of cucumber, celery stalk, chopped cabbage and the coriander leaves in the blender.
Empty the juice in a glass.

Add lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and salt. Mix it well. You are ready to rock.

10.Fruit trilogy

Its a trilogy of kiwi, orange and lychee. Kiwi is well known for the number of antioxidants that it contains. Other fruits are very beneficial as well. This drink will provide your body with vitamins, minerals, and natural electrolytes.


1 kiwi
½ orange
3-4 lychee
A pinch of salt


Blend all the fruits together.
Pour the juice in a glass and add some salt.
Garnish with mint leaves.

11.Passion Of Plum

The nutrients that this drink will provide will help you stay slim and clear your skin.


3 plums
2 passion fruit
Juice of ¼ lemon
Pinch of black salt


Chop the plum and blend the pieces.
Strain the plum juice in a glass.
Add the scooped passion fruit juice to the plum juice.
Add the lemon juice and black salt.

12.Bottlegourd, Tomato, And Spinach juice


½ cup chopped bottle gourd
1 tomato
½ cup spinach
½ cup cold water
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
½ teaspoon roasted cumin seed powder
Pinch of salt


Toss the vegetables in the blender along with water and apple cider vinegar.
Then add cumin seed powder and salt. Stir it.

13.Pentaberry Juice

As the name says, it is a juice of the berries. The berries are rich in antioxidants and are one of the most recommended fruits that you should eat for weight loss.


4 blueberries
3 strawberries
3 raspberries
2 goji berries
3 cranberries
A handful of mint leaves
Juice of ¼ lemon
A pinch of cinnamon powder
A pinch of salt


Toss all the berries in the grinder and add cinnamon powder as well as mint leaves in it. Spin for a while.

Squeeze lemon over it. Mix well and serve.

14.Apple, Blueberry and Lychee juice

Apples are rich in flavonoids.


½ medium sized apple(chopped)
½ cup blueberries
½ cup lychee
Juice of ½ lemon
5-6 mint leaves
A pinch of salt


Empty the chopped apple, blueberries and leeches(after seeding) into the blender.
Empty the juice in a glass.

Add and mix lemon juice and salt in it.

Top with the mint leaves and serve.

15.Musk melon, Cucumber, And Celery Juice

All the three main ingredients are rich in dietary fibers and have many health benefits.


1 cup muskmelon
½ cup cucumber
1 stalk of celery
¼ cup cold water
1 teaspoon pumpkin seed powder
½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
A pinch of rock salt


Blend the muskmelon, cucumber and celery stalk adding cold water, pumpkin seed powder and cinnamon powder to it.
Strain the juice in a glass.
Add rock salt and mix it properly.

15 Healthy Juices For Weight Loss