How to Clean Pores With a Homemade Face Mask

Clogged pores can be a real nightmare. They can lead to blemishes, oily and greasy skin, and even rashes and infections, not to mention stubborn blackheads and whiteheads. Fortunately, with just a few natural ingredients that you can find at your local grocery store, you can clean your pores with a homemade face mask.

Before we get into how to clean your pores with a homemade face mask, though, let’s first talk about a few habits you should maintain to avoid clogged pores in the first place. Are you washing your face every morning with a gentle facial cleanser that doesn’t contain any harsh detergents?

Do you use the same cleanser at night before you go to bed to wash away your makeup and all of the dirt and grime you’ve come in contact with throughout the day?

Clogged Pores

Clogged pores can occur for some reasons. First and foremost, though, is a buildup of excess dirt and oils. A clean face won’t have nearly as many clogged pores as a dirty face. So, before all else, make sure that you’re maintaining a good skin care regimen, complete with regular cleansing, a good astringent, and a light moisturizer or serum.

Next, try to minimize how often you touch your face with your hands throughout the day. You carry a lot of oils, dust, and other tiny bits of microscopic debris, bacteria, etc. on your hands every day. The more you touch your face, whether to rub your eyes, scratch your cheek, wipe your mouth, or anything else, the more you’ll rub all of that into your pores.

So, to minimize the occurrence of clogged pores, keep your face clean and keep your hands off of it. When you do encounter clogged pores, though, use this easy recipe to give your face a deep cleaning that will clear up your pores and leave your skin looking radiant.

Homemade Face Mask Recipe

First, you’ll need to make sure that your work area is sanitized. Working in unsanitary conditions can lead to poor results or worse. So, wash your hands, put on some gloves, grab your lab coat, and watch our handy video on setting up a clean work area here. Next, you’ll need a sterilized Pyrex bowl, a sterilized spoon or whisk, and these ingredients: Keep your pores open and cleaner with a strip made from gelatin

  • 1 oz coconut milk
  • .25 oz unflavored gelatin
  • .5 oz lemon juice (fresh-squeezed if possible)
  • .5 oz honey

Add all of the ingredients together in your Pyrex bowl and use your spoon or whisk to stir them up until they are evenly mixed. Next, microwave the mixture for 15-20 seconds. Take it carefully out of the microwave; stir it, and allow it to cool until it is a warm, comfortable temperature that won’t burn your skin.

Apply this warm mixture to your entire face and let it dry. Once it’s dry, it should already have penetrated your pores, so you can go ahead and carefully peel it off of your skin. Finally, rinse your face with warm water and then follow up with your favorite toner.

Blackhead Removal

As you’re probably already painfully aware, clogged pores very often result in blackheads and whiteheads. When this happens, squeezing and popping the blemishes can lead to scarring, which no one wants. Instead of just living with blackheads, though, you can get rid of them without harming your skin.

This homemade mask is fantastic for blackhead removal, as well as for cleaning out clogged pores that have not formed into blemishes yet. If you have one or more full-blown blackheads, you can make a batch of this homemade face mask and do a few spot treatments on your nose, chin, or other affected areas to get rid of them.

How to Clean Pores With a Homemade Face Mask